- American Institute of Aeronautics and Aviation
- ARBROS Networks
- Army Corps of Engineers
- Beat Magazine
- Boston Magazine
- Cable & Wireless
- Century 21 Corporate
- Charles E. Smith and Co.
- Coca-Cola Fountain
- Community Associations Institute
- Electronic Retailing Association
- Everypath
- Fairfax Propane
- Federal City Bank
- Fannie Mae
- G-net, Inc.
- Graphic Arts Show Company
- Harmon's Handymen
- Health Revelations Newsletter
- Holbrook & Kellogg
- Humana Health
- Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association
- Leeb Personal Finance Fund
- Louis Rukeyser's Wall St. Week Newsletter
- Charles Given's Wealthbuilder Newsletter
- Little League of America
- MasterCard
- MCI WorldCom
- Meridian, Inc.
- Montgomery County Bell Atlantic (as C&P Phone)
- Mullet Records International
- National Assn. Retail Pharmacists
- National Association of Wholesale Druggists
- National Geographic Society
- National Grain and Feed Association
- National Information Corp.
- National Society of Professional Engineers
- Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Quantas Airways
- Selling to Seniors Newsletter
- Talk.Com
- Totally, Inc.
- U.S. Army Graphics Support Office
- U.S. Dept of Labor
- U.S. Dept of Commerce
- U.S. Dept of Energy
- U.S. Dept. of Labor (Health and Human Services)
- U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
- Warner Plumbing and Heating
- Where Magazine
- Winstar